Saturday, May 14, 2011

Afternoon Daydreams

It's a curious feeling sitting here on the couch for the fourth day in a row. So much time to myself really lets my mind roam like a buffalo in the Black Hills, probably in part because of all the drugs I'm taking. I'm still not sure what I would prefer: a life of luxury where I could lay around on the couch all day and not worry about anything, or a life of action, responsibilities, and things to do. I love not having anything to worry about but I'm not much of a fan of the boredom, for even the Internet can get boring after being on it for hours upon end.

But what is really harping on my mind right now is the fact that there are only 40 hours until I'll be leaving for the first real job of my life. I've been hired to work at King's Pointe in Storm Lake, a water park resort and hotel, as a front desk clerk. When I first applied for the job, I told myself that it couldn't be too tough. What could be so hard about standing behind a desk and dealing with reservations and customer service? But then I went in for my first interview and was smacked in the face with so much information that it scared me. I have to work with their computer systems. I have to handle all reservations and every customer, good and bad. I am officially the "face" of King's Pointe, which means that I am the first impression people get when they stay there. It may not seem like a big deal, but that's a lot of pressure. My last job only asked me to make coffee and be able to clean. To succeed at this new workplace, I'll have to step up my game. I just hope I'm up for the challenge.

But as we all know, I'm a complicated person, and therefore my mind juggles many thoughts at once. While my new job is one of my biggest worries, I also float around to the time of year it is. Graduations, from high school and college, are happening. This is the year of John Lorenzen, of Eric Rasmussen, of Ashley Drey. This is the year of my brother Caleb and my teammates Jon, Kyle, Scott, and Danny. It's crazy to think that I'll never play tennis with those four again. It's crazy to think that John and Eric, along with myself and our whole group, are already finished with two years of our college career. And of course, Ashley Drey graduating high school is no small feat. How time flies, huh? She'll be one of us next year...

But as I said, graduation season. I'm off to one right now actually: Jessica Aaren Mathes. I'm looking forward to seeing Breanna for the first time in a while, and also to some wonderful food and fellowship. Until next time.

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