Sunday, September 4, 2011

Past Brilliance Part I

It's been quite a long time since my last entry. Things have been crazy these past few weeks and they only promise to get more chaotic, so I thought that while I have a moment, I'd share some of my writing from last year for a class I took. I think I'll break it up between the three final entries I turned in for my final portfolio. Here's the poetry section:

 “Row 24”

Polar opposites sit on either side.

One has chosen to opt for sanity
and drifts off to a world of dreams,
wishful thinkings, and faraway lands.


The other is enjoying a rather
catchy beat if the rhythm her
foot is tapping on my leg is
any clue. Head bobbing,
fingers drumming, she allows
her mind to wander to
wherever the music takes her.


Her head rests on her hand.
A sweater gently enfolds her
as her mind floats elsewhere.
Hair cascades down her face
as she slowly breathes in and out.


Her clothes shout even louder
than the baby a few aisles back.
She can’t stop moving, for the
music sends a pulse through her soul
that is just as alive as the one
flowing through her body.


And yet both sit on either side, allowing life to take them wherever it pleases.

*             *             *

True Art

The crowd applauds.
A cheer here,
a shout there.

And then silence.
Not a sound escapes a single mouth.
Breath itself is scarce.

Yet the players never stop
running back and forth,
emitting unearthly grunts with each swing.

Their feet, endless whirls of color,
pound the surface.
Rackets are swung with immeasurable force

And as they fly through the air,
they meet the only thing standing in the way
of victory and their wielder:

An opponent that lacks size
but is almost impossible to control perfectly.
A deceiving ball of fuzz

That never tires
and holds the power to determine the difference
between victory and defeat.

*             *             *

The Magical World of the Sky

A different world above the clouds.
A place without hurt, anger, or crowds.
Eternally weightless and ever-serene.
A utopia that shimmers with its own glorious sheen.

Floors of white cotton with softness assured.
The world down below is misty and blurred.
Occasional mountains, towering bright,
Displaying majesty, brilliance, and might.

Walls don’t exist; this world never ends.
No restrictions apply. Rules die, law bends;
Just clouds that lie dormant, suspended in time,
Forever revolving, effortless, sublime.

A world of pure light, of multiple shades;
The sun forming rainbows that fall in cascades.
The sun’s gold is here too. It takes up all space.
It kisses the clouds and caresses the sky’s face.

It flies through the air, illuminating each crack,
Beating darkness to rubble, not leaving its track.
Fear shudders and leaves, imagination roams free.
Confinement’s not here: only His cousin to see.

Yet mystery still exists. Its presence is sly,
For this is the magical world of the sky.

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