Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friendly Advice

Being a friend is sometimes a thankless opportunity. Yet we continue to sacrifice what we want for what they need. Why? Because they mean the world to us. They give us their time, their patience, their understanding - their ears, their shoulders, their hearts. It's only natural that we return the favor. Sometimes it goes unnoticed, but when they return that affection, we simply glow. We fly into a realm that is entirely our own, for in that one second, that one instant, we taste heaven.

We don't always know if we're doing the right thing. Part of life is finding out, even if it means realizing that we're doing something wrong. Yet realizing this is the only way we can improve. Realizing that we are making a mistake is the only way to fix whatever it is that's going wrong: with our friends, our families, and even our lives in general.

It is for this reason that friends are so important. The support they provide, the strength they give, and the confidence they inspire allow us to accept ourselves, even when we do make those mistakes. After all, we're only human. We all make mistakes. "It's how we go about fixing them that matters." The way we choose to act reflects our innermost being. Our innermost being is affected by those we love, for such an image is strengthened by their courage and motivation. Yet it can also be weakened by neglect, and therein lies the essential part of friendship: love. Friendship isn't only one of the greatest opportunities, it's also one of our greatest responsibilities, and as such, we must put every effort into being the best friend we can be. To everyone.

Food for thought.

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