Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May It Never Die

I met you when I moved to town,
A small and frightened boy,
When I walked through that door at school,
Feeling no happiness or joy.

Your eyes joined many in that room
As they looked me up and down.
I froze on the spot and could not move
Since every face had a frown.

Or so I thought since I was so young,
A scared little boy of nine.
While really the situation was much less dire
And a code red dilemma was fine.

Yet still I remained very quiet and still
For fear wouldn't let me proceed.
It took a little prodding and some kind, gentle words
For my movement to finally succeed.

Those first couple days were hopelessly lost
In a sea of confusion and doubt.
I refused to speak, I didn't have any friends -
Some days I just wanted to shout!

Yet God is good in every way
For in time He brought you to me.
A reason to hope was born into my life
And my eyes that were blind could now see.

We grew up apart, living in two separate worlds,
Galva mine, Holstein your own.
We liked different things. Hobbies changed with the times.
Then into each others' paths we were thrown.

We still weren't alike but we sure didn't care
For one thing we shared like two kings:
The band room was ours, our kingdom of might,
And we ruled it as emperors on wings.

We hovered above our kingdom with pride,
Watching it grow stronger each day.
We led it with skill, our shoes too big to fill,
Making more and more allies on the way.

Our three other friends who shared in our reign:
Three queens that ruled graceful and true.
From the flute section they played their soft, flowing notes.
Instruments made music that flew.

But then we were done. Graduation was here.
We left after a summer of fun.
For one, college reminded of memories lost
For the other, of victories won.

We communicated all year, for we'd grown very close
Thanks to car rides and hide-and-go-seek.
Those nights we spent talking about all kinds of things
Made us stronger, our futures less bleak.

We don't always agree, but what if we did?
Our friendship would be boring and dull.
One personality would fail to compliment the other.
Emotional wells wouldn't be full.

We motivate, understand, and generally support
Each other in our actions and deeds.
The one picks the other up off of the ground,
And on his positivity he feeds.

The one on the ground showers the other with praise,
For his spirits get lifted each day.
He's come to the understanding that his friend is much more
Than a person to help along the way.

The other is strong, unbelievably so,
With power beyond even his own imagination.
He believes in the good of every human being,
Every part of God's good creation.

Because of these traits, we make one heck of a pair,
For we strengthen each other in many ways.
What one doesn't have, the other holds plenty:
In this cycle our friendship stays.

Some say that we are two peas in a pod
But with this statement I disagree most strongly,
For there are many, many things about this relationship
That some compare most wrongly.

Yet we're the closest of friends, inseparable at times,
And forever our friendship will last.
For we know that forever one will be there for the other.
In the future it will be as in the past.

So here is to all the great times that we've had
I'm grateful every day for someone like you.
May we never forget one another in time
And may our friendship ever hold true.

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