Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goodbye June

We all know that time flies when you're having fun. We've all experienced those moments where we're loving our summer break, spending hours upon hours with our closest friends, and making memories that will last us a lifetime. The times we spend playing four square, lounging out at le spot, golfing, bowling, watching movies, staying up late talking... these are the times we enjoy the most. Before we know it, they're fleeting shadows of past memories that fade with time, yet never fully vanish.

And then there are those summers that are completely taken over by work. Whether we work outside in the heat of the day for a plumber, check people into a hotel, or add up a customer's bill in the checkout line at Fareway, we all know what it's like to have work take over our lives. We realize that our schedules clash, our free time doesn't line up. We don't have the luxury of seeing our friends as much as we would like to. Some of us don't see our friends at all. We get fleeting chances that allow a glimpse of what it used to be like "back in the day," but then it's time to go home and sleep before work the next day. We've never been this busy before and it takes time to adjust to this new "lifestyle." Work becomes the norm and friends take a backseat, even though we try our best not to let that happen.

Well, this is one of those summers. It feels like we've done nothing but work, which seems to go really slow. But then we look at the calendar and find that June is now over! We've spent time together, sure, but in reality, those moments have been few and far between. July starts tomorrow. Our summer is now half over. Before you know it, it will be the end of July and we'll only have a few weeks left together. Then we'll be packing everything up once again and heading off to start yet another year of school.

It is for this reason that I encourage everyone to find time for those you love. Those special people in your life that you find irreplaceable. They mean the world to us and we wouldn't be who we are today without them. Instead of thinking that the summer is half over, think of all the time left to spend with all of your friends. Think of all the things you haven't done yet that you can still accomplish in this second half of the summer. Do something crazy. Do something daring. Do something unique. Spend time talking about the future. It's a scary topic, yet one that can be conquered in the confidence of your closest friends. Get to know each other more than you ever have before, for it is these relationships that will last us all a lifetime. "...That way, when their bodies leave, they won't." It was my Facebook status for a time, and now I'm using it here. It's a great quote.

Bring on July!

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