Friday, December 2, 2011

Tis The Season

Motivation is at an all-time low. Classes are winding down, and with them, another year is coming to a close. Homework is reaching its climax and the studying for those dreaded finals has begun. Only one more week of regular class time until that fateful first morning when we are called to recall all we know, or at least, all we think we know, about our respective courses. Concerts are planned, sporting events are scheduled, and temperatures bring chills to the warmly dressed. Yes, it is definitely Christmas season.

A time for family. From the youngest to the oldest, this time of year is perfect for showing the appreciation they deserve.
A time for friends. Those closest, and even those not so much. Anyone deserves a smile. Those closest to you deserve a lot more.
A time for relaxation. After those finals, that is. You've earned it.
A time for safety. It's good to have fun. It's also good to be responsible.
A time for food. Enjoy that home-cooked wonderfulness while you can. You who are "seasoned" understand that home food is one of the greatest blessings on the face of the Earth.
A time for games. There are so many options when you hang out with others.
A time for memories. It's the most magical time of the year. An unwritten rule exists that says memories are forever engraved in your life during this special time. Don't waste those opportunities.

Love. Live. Laugh. Give. Grow. Inspire. And have fun while doing it.

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