Thursday, April 7, 2011

Words of Wisdom

It's now been over a week since my last blog post. I've been looking for inspiration, and sadly, nothing has blown my mind quite yet. But there are a few options that I am exploring, so don't give up hope. There may yet be another post sometime in the near future.

I tried uploading a video of me accompanying a fantastic saxophone player in the first ever performance in the new auditorium in Holstein, Iowa, but I guess blogspot can't take the fullest extent of it's awesome-ness. And then I tried uploading a simple picture of my family to introduce them to all of you who don't know them, but again, I'm not sure blogspot can take how amazing they all are. So for now, I will leave you with this Bible verse. This is my confirmation verse, among other things, and as such, it means a great deal to me.

"Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."
- Revelation 2:10c

This calls us to stay strong in the Lord, even when threatened with death, and we will be rewarded with God's grace and His boundless love. Where death is concerned, I sometimes get a little afraid of what will happen to me, but all I have to do is revert back to this verse and it makes me feel much better. Maybe it will do the same for you.

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