Friday, November 25, 2011

11/24/11: Assembling All Thanks

Yesterday was, as its title implied, a day of thanksgiving. To start, these are thanksgivings I've had each day for the past 24 days.

11/1/11: Senior year of jazz band.
11/2/11: 2008-2009 basketball season.
11/3/11: The gingko tree in Flora.
11/4/11: Today I am thankful for pictures. Pictures on my laptop, pictures in my room, and pictures all around that remind me of wonderful moments of the past.
11/5/11: "Remember, remember, the 5th of November." I'm thankful for V For Vendetta. Such a great movie!
11/6/11: I LOVE my family and am so incredibly thankful for each and every one of them. It's been a great weekend.
11/7/11: I'm thankful for the necklace hand-crafted for me almost a year ago.
11/8/11: So begins the longest day of my life. However, I'm thankful for Tony Almeda. What an amazing character.
11/9/11: SO thankful for tests that are over and done with, along with exciting activities to partake in at night.
11/10/11: Very thankful that I've never had a problem with registering for classes. Let's hope that keeps up.
11/11/11: Such a unique day. I'm incredibly thankful for all of the opportunities we get because we live in this great nation that's protected by the most dedicated men and women in the world. Thank you, veterans.
11/12/11: Today I'm thankful for those days that remain in my life where I can sleep in. They may not happen much longer, but for now, they're so wonderful.
11/13/11: Today I'm thankful for wonderful church hymns that let me sing praises to my Lord. To go along with that, I'm thankful for amazing organists who can really bring out the beauty of these hymns that allow me to sing all the louder.
11/14/11: Today is a day to be thankful for beautiful weather that still blesses us with its presence.
11/15/11: Today I'm thankful for volleyball and the talents God has given to me to use to praise His name.
11/16/11: I'm thankful for the beautiful moon and stars God puts in the sky.
11/17/11: I'm so very thankful for the honest people in this world.
11/18/11: Today I'm thankful for Robin Williams, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, and THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!
11/19/11: I'm so so so thankful for the wonderful bed in my room that lets me sprawl out all big and tall. Love it.
11/20/11: Today, I'm thankful for tennis and the ability to rest afterwards.
11/21/11: Thankful for We Are Marshall - one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen.
11/22/11: Thankful for the opportunity to have some fun cleaning Allie's house, and also the chance to get to see friends tonight!
11/23/11: So so SO very thankful for each and every one of my friends. You guys mean the world to me!
11/24/11: Today I'm thankful for everything I haven't yet mentioned: friends, family, possessions, memories, and more. God has blessed me with so much. Thank you, Lord! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Here's hoping you all had a satisfying Thanksgiving meal and a great time visiting with your families. Now it's time to gear up for Christmas. One month, baby!